Available Services:
- Domestic violence / intimate partner violence expert consultation
- Sexual assault examinations and expert consultation
- Strangulation expert consultation
- Assist with obtaining medical records
- Identify, interpret, and review medical records for merit
- Identify missing records
- Screen medical records for tampering
- Review hospital policies and procedures
- Define adherence to and deviations from the applicable Standards of Care
- Consult with health care providers
- Develop brief or comprehensive written reports
- Conduct medical and nursing literature searches
- Analyze and compare expert witness reports
- Attend depositions, trials, review panels, arbitrations, and Mediation hearings
- Interview plaintiff and defense clients, witnesses, and experts
- Identify factors that caused or contributed to the alleged damages/injuries
- Identify and locate expert witnesses
- Assist in exhibit preparations and demonstrative evidence
- Prepare interrogatories
- Prepare a chronology of events or timeline for the case
Strangulation For The Healthcare Provider
4 Hours Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)
Online course taught by Elizabth Wolf, Kim Bassinger, and Allyson Cordoni.
Learn at your own pace, on your own schedule.
Classes are a collaboration of Wolf Legal Nurse Consultants, Inc. and S.A.F.E. Solutions
Classes are a collaboration of Wolf Legal Nurse Consultants, Inc. and S.A.F.E. Solutions
Wolf Legal Nurse Consultants, Inc.
1670 Avonlea Drive
Rockwall, Texas 75087
1670 Avonlea Drive
Rockwall, Texas 75087

Phone: 469.404.0555
Fax: 469.757.1622